Concord-Carlisle Community Chest Logo

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We believe:

In building a community where each member, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identification, or sexuality has equal access to resources and the opportunity to thrive and live a safe, just, and healthy life.

It is our responsibility as a community organization to listen, to learn, and to grow each day towards equity.

The Concord-Carlisle Community Chest is a beacon of light in our community that should reflect the diversity and experience of all residents. Doing so will strengthen the Community Chest and will make our work more effective for our community.

We are committed to:

  • Being a model of tolerance, acceptance and advocacy for all members of our community.
  • Becoming a leader on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our community.
  • Creating an inclusive voice that serves all as equals and being a voice of change where equality does not exist.
  • Taking diversity, inclusion, social, and racial justice into account with respect to our own organizational structure, processes, strategy and decision making.

As an organization, the steps we will take to achieve this include:

  • Ongoing internal dialogue, education, and training around anti-racism and systemic inequality.
  • Encouraging the organizations we work with to be welcoming and diverse in their services.
  • Achieving a level of diversity that more accurately represents the communities we serve across our Board and Committees in the next 3 years.
Collectively, the Community Chest distributed $636,448 back into our towns in 2023-2024!
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